How to handle a challenge in 5 easy steps
If you have a lot on your mind at the moment, here’s something for you! I’m a big believer in quick and brilliant tools that make a difference in our lives. This week’s article covers a powerful technique that will help you strengthen your defences so you can face any challenge that comes your way.
Maybe you have an exam coming up or bills to pay… perhaps a family situation is making you feel anxious… or maybe you just don’t know where your career is going. You might have had an argument with your partner, or a disagreement with a colleague – or perhaps you’re frustrated because things aren’t going the way you’d like them to.
Stress is a part of life. But sometimes our stresses, whether big or small, start to pile up and overwhelm us. If you’re getting to the point where you feel defeated or just want to give up on a challenge you’re facing, this handy technique will gear your mind towards finding solutions, no matter what’s going on in your life…
Use the mnemonic “I COPE” to help you deal with challenges
I = IDENTIFY the problem and state it in specific terms. It may help to come up with three words that describe the situation.
C = Determine whether the problem is CHANGEABLE:
- Am I able to change the situation or not?
- Is the potential for change in my control?
- If no change is possible, do I express my feelings or change my thinking?
O = What is your desired OUTCOME? What do you want or need to achieve? Now explore your OPTIONS for solving the problem.
- What are the advantages of each option?
- And what are the disadvantages?
- Decide on two to three ideas that feel right to you.
P = Now choose one solution and PLAN how to implement it. Write down what three steps you need to take.
E = EVALUATE the action you’ve taken. Did the plan work? If not, go back to “O” and try the next solution.
And finally… keep repeating the motto ‘I cope’. You can do it!
What challenges are you facing? Do you find this tool valuable? We’d love to hear your thoughts.
Feel free to share this article with a loved one who is feeling overwhelmed. And do subscribe to our newsletter for exclusive bonuses and updates!
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Hello Vivian,
What an article! This is what I can say just by looking into the elements of (I COPE).
Lately, I have been facing a big trouble that changed my entire plan for the coming few years. I think just by hearing this, you would imagine how this is quite hard. Looking into the questions you have to ask yourself such as the one you mentioned (Am I able to change the situation or not?) or is it actually my fault and am I guilty in this? And indeed (Is the potential for change in my control?). The answer of those questions is simply (NO) after many actions I have been thinking to take. Accordingly, one should not blame himself for the situation, he actually has to seek for another way to achieve his goals. It is unfortunate cause you might need to start from scratch, but this is life (NEVER EASY). It does not give what you want, and blaming the situation will never solve your personal problem. I have learnt to be a gladiator, fight for your goals, achieve our dreams, fight for who you love, your family and your best friends.
It is you who make history, and without achieving goals, history will never be made.
Dear Abdelrahman,
Thank you so much for your comment! Glad that you find this article valuable.
I love the way you describe all the insights you’ve gained from the challenges you have been through. I think it is a great lesson for all of us reading your comment to remember to fight for our goals, desires and the people we love. Beautifully said by you! Thanks,
Hi Vivienne
As always a wise voice out there in the wilderness. Living in Dubai we could do with some one like you. If you could pop yourself in the post!!!!( We don’t have that here ) that would be great. It’s always a pleasure receiving all your info and I hope that you are doing well.
Love Alice ( and John) in very sunny Dubaix
Dear Alice,
Thank you so much for the outpouring of encouragement, love and support. Glad that you find my articles valuable.
My vision is to inspire love and joy and to empower expats wherever they are. That’s why Expat Nest is ‘counselling without borders’ as the services are online;so we can help people in Dubai and around the globe (also in various languages through our network of counsellors).
By the way Alice, who knows maybe 2017 could be the year of me visiting Dubai ?! 🙂
Sending my love and best wishes to you and John.
Once again thanks for your comment. Great having you here,
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