5 tips to feeling happier in a new place
An international relocation can be both exciting and daunting. Fortunately there are some small steps that can immediately help you feel more at home in your new country…
#1 List the reasons you came here
Give at least five and elaborate on each. For example, “I moved to Singapore as I wanted to travel more around Asia” or, “The contract in the Netherlands will really add to my credentials”. Doing this reminds you of the positive sides to the move and helps you focus on your original purpose, goals and dreams during tough times.
#2 Take your time as you make new commitments
Don’t expect to rebuild an entire life overnight; be kind to yourself. Revel in making fresh, new choices, but don’t push yourself to learn everything in one go. Before tackling each challenge, ask yourself, “Am I being GENTLE with myself?”
#3 Put up photos of your previous life…
… or give mementos pride of place in your new house. This way there is connectivity between your past and your new life. Moving can bring a sense of loss, but mementos remind us that love and good memories are not gone. They will always be in our hearts, no matter how far away we are from each other.
#4 Talk about it
Share your feelings with someone you trust and who understands your experience; someone you feel you can relate to. Take advantage of modern technology (often the only constant in the mobile life!) and use Skype, Facebook or telephone if you haven’t yet found a friend in your area. You are not alone in this… it’s likely that others are feeling, or have felt, sad during an international relocation. Together you may come up with ideas to feel less down.
#5 Get involved in your new country
Ask questions about the way of living; start (or continue with) a hobby; have fun experimenting with local cuisine; enjoy local music and traditional dance; sign up for language lessons if you haven’t already…
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Photo: Kelly Lacy/Pexels
Dear Vivian,
These tips are really useful also for the crisis that comes from time to time due to homesickness. That time that you feel like going back to your homeland and all of a sudden your whole life seems unbearable in the hosting one.
Having faced several times this situation, I realized that talking about it with friends was relieving and gave me more strength and support.
What sounds really useful and I’ll practice t next time is to write down all the reasons that brought me here.
Thank you for the nice tips !
Thank you so much for your comment Dimiliana and a warm welcome to the Expat Nest community. It is great having you here.
Glad to hear that you found this article valuable and especially writing things down; the physical manifestation of writing is powerful.
Best wishes
I was recommended this website by my cousin. I’m now
realizing such particular about my trouble. You’re wonderful!
Thank you!
Thanks for your comment Hans and good to hear that you find this article valuable.
Thanks! All these 5 tips can be really beneficial through this challenging transition but for me, tip #4 is by far the most important. Talking and expressing both positive and negative emotions to someone is the best soul-relief.
I’m so glad you found this helpful – especially tip #4 🙂