Are you ready to deal with your anger?
Do you really want to continue feeling this way? Why not handle your anger now? The good news is that dealing with your anger is a skill that you can learn!
Understanding your anger
• Anger is a powerful emotion and serves as a mask for other feelings – feelings that we would rather not acknowledge and/or examine. Anger is often a secondary emotion. Some examples of primary emotions that can lead to anger are shame, embarrassment, hurt, disappointment and feeling threatened.
• Anger can sometimes be a learnt behaviour, one that we have developed to gain control and power over others. If the people around us have historically given in to our (angry) behaviour, we might use anger as a way to ensure our needs/demands are met quickly.
• Anger can also result from a perceived unfair treatment of yourself or of others.
How can you deal with your anger?
1. Have a think: What really makes you angry? Examine whether your anger masks other feelings.
2. What incidents or situations trigger your anger? Identify precisely what you are feeling just before anger kicks in. In other words, what are your anger signals?
3. Time-out! Count to ten before you say or do anything. Find other ways to express your feelings in that moment. Go out for a walk, take a hot bath, put your favourite music on loud…
4. Find out what would calm you down in such a situation and try to make a plan in advance.
You can change the patterns of your angry behaviour! Observe, evaluate and reflect on these patterns to determine the underlying feelings and then work out a plan to change your reactions. Sometimes, it is not easy to do this without support.In this case, counselling can be effective.
If you or a significant person in your life needs extra support, take advantage of Expat Nest’s free 15-minute (online) get acquainted chat so we can discuss how to help you move forward. Just email us at info@expatnest.com and we will get back to you ASAP.
Which tip has worked best for you? What is your tip to deal with anger? Share your tips below in the comments section.
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to focus your energies on answers – not excuses” – William Arthur Ward
You can, as long as you include this information with it: Expat Nest is a professional online counselling service for expats, cross-culturals and global nomads. Expat Nest supports expats who are facing challenges and who want to feel happier and more relaxed in their international experience. http://www.expatnest.com
Photo: Peggy Marco/Pixabay