Special Edition: How to Grow in Challenging Times
Expat Nest founder Vivian Chiona acknowledges the challenges of the past two years – and shares some resources to help us grow during the harder times and emerge stronger.
Since the start of the pandemic, many of us have had to deal with greater levels of insecurity, loneliness, loss, social isolation, transition and grief. I personally almost lost my dad to COVID (thankfully he pulled through), I’ve had the virus twice, and I’ve been working incredibly hard.
Two years on, COVID is still very much a part of our reality. The social, economic and cultural effects can be seen in almost every country. Work opportunities and conditions have changed. Family dynamics and personal relationships have changed. Education and travel have changed!
There are of course beautiful moments and positive aspects too, even in hard times – which is why I want to share a message of resilience and growth. For example, the pandemic brought greater awareness of the importance of mental health and saw an increase in voluntary work.
We have also been reminded that, in the face of pain and hardship, there is always the opportunity for growth (some studies even suggest that certain areas of growth have been accelerated by the pandemic).
So, how can we continue to grow in times like this, or in any crisis?
What have we learned from COVID-19 about growth?
How do we stay adaptable and resilient?
Here are some resources – including articles from the Expat Nest archives – to answer these questions and support your growth during the tougher times:
- Growth After Trauma – five elements of growth, and how a growth mindset can help you to emerge stronger
- Be the Hero in Your Life: Ways to Build Resilience – how we can enhance our resilience to carry us through hard times
- Finding Your Why (& Why Having a Purpose Helps) – if a crisis has led you to reassess any aspect of your life, this one may be for you…
- How the Trauma of the Pandemic Can Inspire Personal Growth – how crises can inspire collective growth and the creation of “a stronger new normal”
- Be Humble and Other Lessons from the Philosophy of Water – this classic TEDTalk offers an inspiring take on finding fulfillment in a world that’s constantly changing
- Resilient You [podcast series] – discusses mental health, well-being, and how to build and sustain resilience during times of crisis and loss.
My hope is that you will find tools here that resonate and inspire you.
With love
Feel free to forward this newsletter to a friend, colleague or relative who would appreciate the support and would like to grow further in these times.