Why taking care of your work includes taking care of you…
If you’ve been so busy working that you’ve forgotten about yourself, it’s time to stop and assess the situation, writes marketing coach Stephanie Ward. She also offers some ideas to get started on taking extremely good care of yourself…
Taking care of your business/work includes taking care of you
It will require time to take care of yourself, I know – and you may feel that you just don’t have any extra time. But it is costing you time when you continue to push yourself and neglect your needs.
Think about it, if you’re run down and exhausted, how effective can you be?
It’s the many small ways you neglect yourself that, when added up, can become an enormous weight on your shoulders. And if you live with that big weight for a long period of time, you may start to feel the life draining out of you.
This is similar to continuing to try to cut down a tree with a dull saw versus taking time out to sharpen the saw (see Stephen Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People) and cut down the tree faster and more easily.
We all seek a balanced life and the truth is that some periods will require that you work more than others. The one thing to commit to, even when you are busy, is to taking care of YOU, without whom there may be no business/work.
What can you do today, right now, to start taking care of yourself?
Here are some ideas to get you going:
- Take small, frequent breaks throughout the day
- Ask for help if you’re stuck (someone you know probably knows the answer)
- Outsourceor delegate more
- Take time to eat a healthy breakfast and lunch
- Engage in some kind of physical activity on a regular basis
- Take at least one day, out of a seven-day week, to do nothing but fun stuff and recharge your batteries.
Your wellbeing is worth it
While it may sound simple to make small changes, that doesn’t mean it’s easy. Is it worth the effort? Absolutely!
Think about the price you and your business/work are paying by not taking care of yourself. Consider how much more profitable (and happy) you would be if you did take better care of yourself.
What difference would it make in your life and business if you were to make changes like the ones mentioned above? Why not try it for a month and find out? If it doesn’t work, you can always go back to your old ways.
Make a decision to take extremely good care of yourself. Knowing that when you do, you will be a more effective and profitable business owner or employee and hopefully have a lot more fun.
Stephanie Ward is the marketing coach for entrepreneurs who want to create meaningful and prosperous businesses. Grab your FREE copy of her special report “7 Steps to Attract More Clients in Less Time” plus business building tips at www.fireflycoaching.com.
This article was originally published on www.fireflycoaching.com.
PHOTO: Vlada Karpovic/Pexels