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Expat Stories

Expat Stories

Expat Story: “Less is More”

Eight times – that’s the number of moves expat Linda Rinn had made in the past six years! If there’s one big life lesson she has learned through this process, it’s this…   “Like many expats, it sometimes feels like…
Expat Stories

Leaving Is An Art (Expat Story)

“Leave” may be a short word, but it can bring a 180-degree life change. And while leaving can cause a lot of pain initially, a well-considered departure can lead you to a better life. In this piece, psychologist Dimiliana Nikiforou…
Expat Stories

Once Upon a Time in Cultureland…

Source: www.ektaevents.org.uk   “Cultureland”… what a magical concept! For me, it expresses the essence of the international experience that you and I share, no matter where we are in the world. It reflects a common expat language, no matter our…