We’re talking about love! Due to the pandemic lockdown, many expats are facing relationship challenges right now. In this interview with psychologist Dr. Margarita Lourido, we cover some tips to build your love story, whether you’d like to take your relationship to the next level, or whether you’re single and looking for love.
We can have a good relationship where there is love, respect and space for both people to grow. Of course, this doesn’t mean there won’t be moments when the actions of the other person irritate us! In this interview, Margarita and I start off by talking about how to overcome those little irritations by learning to see your partner as “a blank page”. You can also hear Margarita’s intriguing strategy: seeing her partner as she sees her cat! When you take this approach, you create the conditions to not judge the other person; instead it allows you to discover new aspects that make you fall in love again (and again) with your partner.
We also chat about the importance of connection for single expats who are feeling demoralised or struggling with loneliness now. Also, seeing this period as a “prep time” for what (and who) is coming into your life – and as a chance to know yourself better – can help you to feel stronger through the pain and frustration. (And remember: you are perfect to be loved.)
Some of the other topics we touch on include:
- The “rules” that we impose on others, often without realizing it
- How it can help to see any change we want to make as an experiment, or even a game
- Choosing the right environment or space when you need to have an uncomfortable discussion with your partner
- How knowing yourself and your values can lay the foundation for a relationship that is right for you
- Why finding meaning in a tough situation can help to lessen suffering
- And so much more…
Find the video interview here [30:30 mins]
I hope you find this discussion helpful. What is your main takeaway, and what would you add? What tips have helped you to strengthen your relationship? Leave a comment below.
About Margarita Lourido
Margarita Lourido is a doctor in psychology, coach, trainer and the founder of Switch Intercultural. She works as a success psychologist for internationals, helping international professionals to facilitate their maximum personal and professional development. She believes that internationals are talented people who deserve to thrive and she appreciates the richness of multicultural environments.
Photo: TanteTati/Pixabay