10 Favourite Articles… for 10 Beautiful Years!
In honour of Expat Nest’s 10th year, founder Vivian Chiona looks back at her favourite articles from the blog… one for each year since we started.
I’m still amazed – and so appreciative – that Expat Nest has been around for a decade.
So, in honour of 10 beautiful years serving expats like you, I’ve decided to share 10 of my favourite articles from the blog… one for each year since we started. It was NOT easy to decide!
This is my way of saying thank you for being part of the Expat Nest community and celebrating the expats who have shared their stories and life lessons with us over the past decade.
Here they are, the 10 articles for 10 years:
- The Power of Negotiation in Romantic Relationships – why this is a valuable tool plus 10 tips to improve your skills (2023)
- Perfectionism: How to Break the Habit and Live Your Expat Life to the Fullest – how this mindset can get in the way of a happy relocation (2022)
- Feeling Safe in Your Relationships – why understanding your “route(s) of safety” is so helpful, especially in your relationships (2021)
- How to Recover from a Broken Heart – because facing your days with heartache is tough, especially if you’re far away from your friends and family (2020)
- Where You Go, I Go? Tips for the Relocating “Trailing Spouse” – being the accompanying spouse/partner on an international relocation comes with its own unique challenges (2019)
- You Can Beat Those Winter Blues – tips to ward off the blues and make the most of this slower season (2018)
- Putting On a Brave Face: Are You Hiding Your Depression? Understanding depression and its signs, including the more subtle ones, can help you to unmask what’s really going on (2017)
- You Are Perfect to be Loved – why you don’t have to “become perfect” before you can find love or be loved (2016)
- How to Minimize Stress… 5 Quick Tips – I love tip #4 (“you cannot do better than your best”) (2015)
- 10 Things You Might Not Have Known About Third Culture Kids (TCKs) – some key (and sometimes surprising) characteristics of a TCK (2014).
I hope you enjoy these honest and insightful resources on the many aspects of our diverse expat lives.
With love
Which is your favourite? Simply leave a comment below – I’d love to know!
PHOTO: Pcxels/PicJumbo.com